“Yee Haw” is a fun-filled, 2-hour live show, that is reminiscent of the iconic television show “Hee Haw”. It will feature lots of Canadian Old Time Fiddle tunes, favourite Country classics, instrumentals, sweet harmonies, sensational step-dancing, smooth vocals, lots of family humour, inspirational stories, and trick fiddling.
Canadian Open and Grand Masters Fiddle Champion, Scott Woods and his multi-talented band are sure to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart, with their lively entertainment. Scott will be doing his trick-fiddling routine – playing behind his back, walking on a barrel while playing, and of course his world-famous front running somersault.
Evening Performance – Thursday, October 24, 2024 – 7 pm – XYZ Seniors Hall, 510 Main St. N., Moose Jaw SK
Tickets can be purchased online at https://scottwoods.ca/event/moose-jaw-sk-yee-haw/
Doors will open approximately one hour prior to showtime. Seating first comes, first served.
For general inquiries, call Scott’s office toll free 1-855-726-8896.